Singing Guide: Sweater Girl

Singing Guide: Sweater Girl

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sweater Girl was a nickname given to one of the most iconic American jazz vocalists, June Christy. She had a unique voice, which was both sultry and innocent at the same time. Christy was known for her conversational singing style and her ability to create a sense of intimacy with her audience.

If you're an aspiring singer and want to learn how to sing like Sweater Girl, you need to understand her vocal technique and style. In this article, we'll explore the key elements of June Christy's vocal style and provide practical advice on how to incorporate them into your own singing. We'll also highlight some of Christy's most famous songs and how they showcase her unique voice.

  • Breath Control

One of the most essential aspects of June Christy's singing is her breath control. She was able to use her breath to create dynamic range, from soft and whispery to loud and powerful. You can learn breath control by practicing breathing exercises and incorporating them into your singing. Here's an example of a breathing exercise from Singing Carrots - Farinelli Breathing. By practicing this exercise, you'll develop better breath control, which will help you sing like June Christy.

  • Conversational Singing Style

June Christy had a conversational singing style that was both laid-back and personal. She was known for singing in a way that sounded like she was speaking directly to her audience. To learn how to sing like June Christy, practice singing in a more conversational style. Try to pause and emphasize certain words to create a sense of intimacy with your audience. You can also practice this by using Singing Carrots' Song search feature, where you can find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty and genre preference.

  • Vibrato

June Christy also had a unique vibrato that was slow and subtle. She used vibrato to add expression and emotion to her songs. To learn how to sing with vibrato, you can practice Singing Carrots' Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce exercises. By practicing these exercises, you'll develop vibrato and learn how to control it.

  • June Christy's Famous Songs

One of June Christy's most famous songs is "Something Cool," which showcases her unique voice and conversational singing style. Other notable songs by June Christy include "Willow Weep for Me," "It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)," and "I Want to Be Happy."

  • Singing Carrots Resources

If you want to learn more about sing like June Christy, Singing Carrots offers many useful articles and exercises. You can learn more about breath support by reading the article on breathing basics and practice your chest voice with the Singing Comfort Zone exercise. With Singing Carrots' pitch training, you can improve your pitch accuracy and vocal range.

  • Conclusion

If you want to learn how to sing like June Christy, it's important to understand her vocal technique and style. By developing your breath control, practicing a conversational singing style, and working on your vibrato, you can start singing like the legendary Sweater Girl herself. Remember to use Singing Carrots' practical advice and resources to help you on your singing journey.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.